Monday, 30 January 2012

Production & Distribution!

As a group, we (my media group) decided that we would like to distribute and market our film independently using YouTube.

The Film classification was finally decided upon and we thought a 15 classification would suit best as it involves:

  • Drug use
  • Language
  • Violence
 This is designed to help parents decide whether a movie is suitable for their children. Yet, the effectiveness of these designations is widely disputed. Also, in some jurisdictions a rating may impose on cinemas the legal obligation of refusing the entrance of children or minors to the movie. Furthermore, where movie theaters do not have this legal obligation, they may enforce restrictions on their own. Ratings are often given in lieu of censorship. Movie theaters often have time restrictions on what time kids can come in with their parent.

my media group's StoryBoard -The GodDaddy

Our title sequence MoodBoard

This our MoodBoard we have put together which symbolizes the different aspects and features in our crime genre film.
As you can see there are a few guns, and a crazy man in a suit holding guns.
Bowler Hats, guns, cigarettes/cigars, whisky...guns and more guns!
A typical american Gangster themed film!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Chosen Sub-Genre and it's Conventions

In Media Studies, we are planning our Sequence that we will soon be making.
Me and the rest of my Media group have decided on the Sub-genre for our film clip. Our sub-Genre is American Gangster.
American Gangster Conventions typically involve having dark lighting, Italian americans, Cigarettes/Cigars, Tuxedo's, upper-class characters, guns, low-key lighting, and very often the effect of sun light beaming through the slits of blinds...often in an office environment.
This is the sub-genre we have chosen to follow.

Pre-lim Task Outline

Basically the pre-lim task involved getting into a group, and then filming a little sequence following just 3 rules; Obey the 180 Degree rule, Make sure to Film a 'shot-reverse-shot' Shot, and to retain continuity in the film.
We managed to keep to all of these rules, the narrative of the film overall wasn't anything major just simple conversation, but the only parts that were going to be accounted for were the rules.

Forgotten Introduction!

Hi My name is Scarlett, 16 years old, Student at Yale College Wrexham.
My Blog will be all about my media assignment, and what is happening in the lesson and so on, my posts will include questions and answers for the courswork including pictures, screenshots and video's :)

Monday, 16 January 2012

Preliminary Task

The pre-lim task involved getting into a group, and then filming a little sequence following just 3 rules; Obey the 180 Degree rule, Make sure to Film a 'shot-reverse-shot' Shot, and to retain continuity in the film.
We managed to keep to all of these rules, the narrative of the film overall wasn't anything major just simple conversation, but the only parts that were going to be accounted for were the rules.

1. What did you do well in, in your Prelim task?

We used  problem solving skills to work around our problems with the video editing, as for some reason the all the good shots we wanted to use had disappeared. So we used our resources well to make do with what we did have on the tape. Also the acting skills were obviously awesome ; actors Moi and Connie Brunskill.

2. What have you learnt from the Prelim.

To check over work, and make sure things are properly saved to a tape or disk. Also that camera's aren't always reliable. We have also learnt the basics and the advanced parts of editing e.g transitions and cutting.

3.Targets for Main Task: Areas for improvement, what could you do better next time?
  • Work on continuity
  • Prepare scripts before-hand
  • Learn more about the camera functions
Here is the link to our Prelim Task on Youtube:

Sunday, 15 January 2012

AS Media Brief

  • Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

  • Main task: the titles and opening of a new Crime fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.

  •  A Blog: The blog will chart your progress from your Research and Planning, the Construction of your Main Task, through to the Evaluation of your final product.   This is a creative task and your writing must be supported by evidence which incorporates the use of images, audio, video and links to online resources.