Friday 27 April 2012

The Main Task: The GodDaddy Opening Sequence!


This is our Prelim video!



 above: alley in yale college.    Below (2): TV studio at Yale College

 tv studio 

The Edit

After we had completed filming all of our footage we uploaded it onto an editing programme called Adobe Premier Pro. The first thing we did was separate the useful parts of all the footage we shot to cut them out of the rest and drag them into the editing timeline. I thought that we have a look at what the black & white effect looks like compared to the normal colour version; we then decided as a group that we preferred the black & white effect on our film, this also adds an old fashioned look to the film. We then added sound effects such as more of a heightened sound of a gunshot in which we even added a tiny flash effect by the gun on the footage to make it seem more dramatic. We also added a ‘meow’ cat noise sound effect at the end of our film when he chucks away the cat, this adds to the spoof sub-genre. We also recorded a voice over and then added it to the flashback scene in our film making it sound like the conversation was happening at the time but picturing back to what happened. The main transitions we used on our film scenes were cross dissolve, dip to black, and fade in/out  between scenes so it flows better rather than making them seem like jump shots. We also added credits to some frames in this order:
C&S Productions, Jake Lewesy (cast) Scarlett Bellis and Connie brunskill, title of the film the GodDaddy, edited by Connie Brunskill, Sound by Scarlett Bellis, screenplay by Connie Brunskill, produced by Scarlett Bellis & Connie Brunskill. 

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Here is our typical Audience member:

Age: 16
Location: UK
Likes/Dislikes: Love's watching films especially gangster crime movies and comedies. Dislikes romance and Horror films. Prefer's to watch films on youtube, alone.
Favourite film: GodFather and Shifty.
What TV shows she likes: Loves old crime detective shows like Touch of frost and CSI. Also loves to watch Ross Kemp on Gangs.
What music do he/she listen to? mix of music but loves 1940's type music and Rap.

My group's film would appeal to Mair because the narrative of our film and the conventions in it relate very well to the genre that Mair loves to watch including the crime genre and the comedy sub-genre. Also our film is distributed onto youtube so Mair paintsil is a perfect audience member as that is her favourite way to view films. Our film is different to any other crime/gangster film, we have everything Mair wants from a gangster movie in our film but we also give her a taste of something exciting and modern in our film.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My groups opening sequence represents a fair few social groups. The main social group represented is the criminal side, its a classic gangster, guns and drugs type of film. Our gangster isnt however a typical british gangster, the GodDaddy is an upper class, formal gangster not to forget that he also is italian too.

I have represented my chosen social groups by keeping to the classic narrative of a criminal/ gangster genre of film for example, scenes involving drug exchanges, murder and cigars/cigarettes.
 We kept the mise-en-scene similar to the style of the clothing attire that were used similarly to the social group in the classic film the GodFather which portrays classic Italian American gangsters. We used formal, expensive looking suits and tie's to match, aswell as fancy moustaches. This represents the upper class society that the characters are in, they are classic bourgeoisie character's. To represent the spoof sub-genre of the film, we used props that showed humorous side of our film, which is also a modern day representation of classic GodFather. Such as the toy cat on the GodDaddy's lap, and the chocolate coins exchanged for the sherbet deal.
Me and my group have produced an opening sequence which portrays italian-American gangster surroundings that give off set emotions to the audience, from the audience's non diegetic view of the film, the atmosphere seems tense and emotionless in the shoe's of the gangsters. It shows that they live in a society of patriarchy, power means you get what you want in life, we show the Godfather's soft side though when it comes to non-human's such as cats. The cat proves a less heavy effect of gangster surroundings and lets the humour show through.
 This compares to existing representations in the media as I feel that our film would be a unique aspect on the original Godfather and a parody of the film has never been actually created, making our representation different from any other.
Our film interprets a different style of gangsters; in the media today we have the 21st century british hard gangsters. In our film we have the classic Italian-American gangsters, with a spin of humour to their characterization.