Wednesday 25 April 2012

Audience Research

We each created questionnaires asking the audience members about what films they like to watch and what their interests were etc. This is so we can find out what would be best to put in our film or what not to put in our film, and general research about the viewers.
These are some examples of the questions on my questionnaire. How often do you watch films? Do you prefer to watch films in the cinema, on DVD, online or any other format? What is your favourite genre or style of film? What is your favourite film? Would you watch a film just because of the Stars cast in it? Who is your favourite actress? Do you know what a film Noir is? Have you ever watched a film Noir? Do you prefer watching films alone or with company?

From the information i gathered and put into graphs, most of the audience preferred the Comedy and Thriller Genre the most. Also the viewers preferred to watch films at the cinema and on DVD the most.
Most of the audience also preferred watching film with company rather than on their own, i also found out that a lot of the audience i asked had never watched a Noir Film.
From our researched i learn that quite a few member of the audience do actually prefer to watch crime films more than any others but also love comedy, this is why my film group decided to use Youtube for our spoofy-crime sequence  as our independent Distributor.

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